Webinar will be held in English on 27th September and will debate the key role played by sustainable procurement for the implementation of school food nutrition guidelines and standards (NGS)
ROME – Food procurement plays a key role in the implementation of nutrition guidelines and standards for school food, as it is through procurement that the school food nutrition guidelines and standards (NGS) are translated into actual food items and bulk quantities, the suppliers are selected, and the delivery of the food is ensured.
Procurement is also crucial for the integration of social, economic and environmental development objectives into school meals programmes, and it benefits multiple actors such as schoolchildren and adolescents, food suppliers and their wider communities.
Considering the extent of school food demand and depending on how procurement choices are made, procurement provides an important entry point to shape food systems and to move supply chains in a more nutrition-sensitive, inclusive and sustainable direction.
The webinar will focus on the key role played by sustainable procurement for the implementation of school meal NGS and present best practices for their development. In particular, the event will focus on the following aspects:
· The importance of combining nutrition objectives with other development objectives in school meal programmes.
· The key role of procurement for ensuring availability of nutritious foods at school.
· The instruments and strategies to support the implementation of school food nutrition guidelines and standards through procurement.
The event will be held in English.
Kindly notice that the webinar will be recorded and made available online for communication purposes.
Registration link: