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I Virtual Meeting to Strengthen the capacities of national tutors of school feeding programs

The First Virtual Meeting of Strengthening the capacities of national tutors of school feeding programs is the first phase of a series of meetings with the countries: Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic, which requested technical assistance for the implementation of a training process for teachers in school feeding.

The training will be organized in four phases:

I virtual phase: March 30

II face-to-face phase: April 11 to 13 in Panamá

III virtual phase: May (date to be defined)

IV virtual phase: June (date to be defined)

That is an event aimed at specific countries in the region, but we will report everything in the RAES. Stay tuned!

More information: https://redraes.org/proyecto-de-alimentacion-escolar-inicia-capacitaciones-con-tutores-para-formacion-de-docentes/