RAES will participate in Nutrition for Growth (N4G) side event

The Government of Brazil, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE), together with FAO and the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger, through the Trilateral South-South Cooperation (TSSC), is promoting the side event Uniting Global Efforts to Ensure Nutritious School Meals for Every Child at the Nutrition for Growth event in Paris on 27-28 March.

The side event on 28 March will bring together key stakeholders in the global effort to ensure that all children have access to nutritious school meals through complementary and collaborative international initiatives.

This side event will explore how the various initiatives and mechanisms work synergistically to ensure that all children have access to nutritious school feeding. Participants will learn more about the unique role and relationship between the initiatives and discuss strategies to accelerate progress towards nutritious school feeding for all.

The Brazil-FAO Cooperation has been at the forefront of promoting Sustainable School Feeding Programmes as a crucial policy to address food and nutrition security mainly in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. A prominent initiative in the LAC region is the RAES (Sustainable School Feeding Network), launched in 2018 by Brazil and FAO, which now connects 17 countries in the region and serves as a powerful platform for collaboration between countries to promote sustainable school feeding programmes.

The event will be an in-person event for invited guests.