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Exchange of experiences cycle_School Feeding Legislation

The event ‘Experience Exchange Cycle – School Feeding Legislation: Human Right to Adequate Food’ is an initiative of the School Meals Coalition, the Representation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Ecuador, and the Sustainable School Food Network (RAES), a strategy driven by the Government of Brazil, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE), with the support of FAO.

This event aims to create a space for dialogue among government officials, civil society actors, and FAO representations, supported by RAES, to strengthen public school food policy, with a view to guaranteeing the Human Right to Adequate Food for children and adolescents.

The institutions seek to establish actions to act and accelerate the pace of change towards the transformation of agri-food systems and to build alliances and collective support for countries in need, in response to global priorities of increasing food insecurity, intensifying climate shocks, and instability for food and agriculture worldwide.

In this context and in response to commitments as FAO representations in Colombia, Ecuador, and El Salvador, South-South Cooperation will be promoted through experience exchanges that facilitate the implementation of actions that strengthen the school food environment from an integrated vision of sustainable schools.

Therefore, we invite your technical team to the virtual event which will be attended by delegates from civil society, representatives of the legislative sector, representatives of RAES, experts, and FAO technical team, partners from participating countries related to school food.

Date: March 1st

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 (El Salvador Time), 09:00 – 11:00 (Colombia – Ecuador Time), 11:00 – 13:00 (Brazil – Chile Time), 16:00 – 18:00 (Italy Time).

Zoom link: https://fao.zoom.us/j/94010564967?pwd=d3lteG5sM3UzejcwZmloVHZLRklwUT09

During the event, key topics will be addressed:

  • Promotion and support in the construction of legislation focused on school feeding to promote healthy and sustainable food environments.
  • Progress and good practices in public food procurement for school feeding.
  • Exchange of strategies for the prevention and measurement of food waste in social protection programs.


5 minutosInicio webinar
15 minutosPalabras de aperturaFood Coalition
Representante de la FAO en Ecuador
10 minutosPresentación: Contexto del Derecho Humano a la Alimentación Adecuada en el ámbito escolar
Oficial Jurista FAORLC
15 minutosPresentación: Avance regional en la implementación de los Programas de Alimentación Escolar en el marco del modelo de Escuelas Sostenibles
Coordinadora Regional del proyecto FAOBR
30 minutosDiálogo: Experiencias de los marcos legales de la alimentación escolar en cada paísBrazil
15 minutosPanel: Espacio de preguntas y comentariosGobiernos de México, Brasil, Ecuador, Guatemala
5 minutosVídeo: Programa de Alimentación Escolar EcuadorFAOEC
5 minutosCierre y conclusiones Gabriela RoseroFAOEC

¡Esperamos a todos!