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Webinar on the new guidelines to promote adequate and healthy nutrition in Brazilian schools

On 24 January, at 15:30 (Brasília time), the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance – Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS) is organising a webinar on the Presidential Decree, which will present the principles, strategic axes and guidelines for promoting adequate and healthy food in schools and the next steps for its implementation.

The Decree recommends that States, the Federal District and Municipalities develop strategies and regulations capable of supporting the implementation of the following strategic axes for the promotion of adequate and healthy food in the school environment, taking into account regional, cultural and socio-economic specificities and the special dietary needs of students:

  • Food and Nutrition Education;
  • Food and Drink Donation and Marketing; and
  • Food and Drink Marketing Communication.

Presidential Decree No. 11.821, of 12 December 2023, sets out the principles, objectives, strategic axes and guidelines for actions to promote adequate and healthy food in the school environment of public and private basic education networks.

Representatives from FAO Brazil will accompany the event. The event will be in Portuguese and there will be no simultaneous translation into other languages. We invite all those interested in the subject, such as nutritionists, teachers, caterers and managers in general.

Connect via the MDS YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/UqNd196xcSc?feature=share
Presidential Decree: https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2023-2026/2023/decreto/D11821.htm

inistry of Development and Social Assistance – Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS): https://www.gov.br/mds/pt-br